What part of EVERYTHING is beyond your understanding? The government gets more than enough revenue right now. They just need to learn how to...
I didn't say eliminate everything but everything can be cut. Typical smug liberal who thinks he knows everything and thinks everyone else is...
Luck has a loss.
Duh. Thanks. :hihi:
Everything. I've said it before. NO sacred cows. EVERYTHING!!
You guys don't get it. Miles was intentionally insulting Nutt. Like a heavyweight fighter saying " I don't need to hit you anymore". It was...
He plays JJ. :confused:
Les is a genius. He told Nutt "I don't want to hit you anymore". Ultimate insult. Fk you Nutt. Sayonara MFer.
I'm afraid of nothing. I fly at least 25 times a year. I drink from the tap. I eat steak every night. I don't wash fruit. I've made it 62 years...
This makes a lot of sense. In 2003 if our loss had been to USC or in 2007 if one of our losses was to Ohio State we wouldn't have sniffed the NC game.
After beating Bama I really thought the talk would be it's LSU then everybody else. As someone said, we passed every test. I'm naive I guess. We...
I care about practical things that can be taken care of, not some pie in the sky abstract thing that drains resources and accomplishes nothing.
Stop spending. Quite simple, actually.
Not while maintaing our standard of living vis a vis the energy we use. Let humans 2 gazillion years from now be pissed at us. I don't really...
Hope OSU pulls it out. We would kill this team.
Common sense. Carbon isn't foisted into the atmosphere out of spite. It's a necessary byproduct of the way we live.
Bull. Typical liberal response in order to justify continued out of control spending. If I'm $150,000 in debt and I make $150,000 a year, I am...
Excuse me your Obamadefenderness. I meant to say the debt is equal to the GDP and, yes, we are broke.