Couldn't have said it better.
Looks like it's a done deal. Jackie Sherrill says so. College Confidential: Jackie Sherrill predicts A&M-SEC move will "play out" and...
This is a great way to win the case but look guilty in the process. All the lawyers care about is beating the case. Then they are done. The...
Kentucky tickets going on sale Saturday Aug 28th per the ticket office:
And the report that Jefferson kicked the guy was inaccurate. He was actually attempting to slide.
The guy could have been the biggest douche in the world. Even is he was calling out the players and talking sh!t that still doesn't justify them...
The approach of keeping you mouth shut and no comment has been convectional wisdom for years. I just don't think it's effective in cases where...
Why is everyone so damned worked up of the curfew thing? That's just team rule. Normally no one would even know about a broken curfew it would...
Are we talking about the football team or a fraternity house?
Which is awesome.
The gay magazine was and the BR paper was The 2 was added later because of affiliations with the TV channel.
In an effort to show that OU was not a "wuss" he cites OCC games against FSU, TCU, and Notre Dame. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Good SI article breaking down the lasted announcement: SEC didn't pass on extending Texas A&M invitation, it's letting process play out - Andy...
I think RS starts at QB this year. He was just biding is time.
Well I wasn't addressing anything you said specifically. I was just agreeing with Hawker's statement about a general opinion I've noticed. But to...
I agree. People are so short sighted. Everything goes in cycles. Sure we whipped Va Tech 2007 in but the beat us 26-8 in 2002. And all people...
How long did it take for Arkansas and SC?
I agree. In addition we would get more SEC TV coverage and discussion on the sports talk stations in Dallas. As a side benefit it would piss of...
I have no idea. I've never actually been there.
I think a lot of people will be going to the LSU tailgate at J Gilligan's. LSU Alumni Dallas - 2011 Cowboys Classic: Information & Events