Sad News Indeed prayers to family and he will be missed greatly.
1.once had an awkward moment just to know what one felt like. 2.The sun sets its rotation to his watch. 3.When entering a chat room all the...
They better hope the climate change thing doesn't cause a ice age cause if we learn hockey down south....just saying
What Red Said :thumb:
You could... but i would have to sue you because we worship ponies and the whole seperation of church and state thing comes in. ;)
Really i disagree with you and i should move to China.....Lol wow... :wave: Just because i dont agree with it or think it spits in the face of...
You really belive that ? Burning your countries flag is a respectful thing to do ? First of all you are Assuming too much about the flag burner...
It is not good was loading supplies this A.M. to send to hosptals and clinics around area. One of my E.M.T. buddies said they found 25 bodies in...
Lots of L.S.U. Grads on staff in the hopsitals me for one. He walked in the E.R. was triaged and then left after they said the injury was not life...
Lets Look [IMG]
Please..... the Ncaa is still discussing if they should do anything to Woody Hayes
Red Lobster
Suck's to be them! the dumbest thing i ever heard is that BOOMER---SOONER yell....figure that crap out
In My time of Dying by Zepplin...and Grand Funk and the Allmans had Long songs but until i have another flashback i wont be able to remember the...
LSU :LSU231:
The video shows all that gator and Longhorn Crap in background...uggg makes me quesy
Doris Day
This Just in..... A dominoes plane has gone down in flames in Death Valley no survivors :wave:
He did a Blood sample so he knows somebody is expecting....just my guess