So you are the guy implying factory workers can't get degrees, and I am the snob? Why do they need degrees anyway? There are tons of great...
We don't have a caste system. These blue collar workers can get a new skill set for the jobs that are available.
They are headed in that direction as long as it is the convenient direction to be in. That is why it is silly to put any stock in either party....
By the same token all the Republicans who know oppose the hike are also hypocrites. The knife cuts both ways. Do you honestly believe the...
That is exactly wrong thinking. What martin has said is 100% true. Economies do best when they do what they do best. We suck at manufacturing....
That shadow stats site made the same claim about inflation being way higher than what the government indicated, but it was bogus and the reason...
Of course I don't care about that. Why would I? Protectionism is stupid and hurts us more. Why not. The purpose of government contracts...
I don't buy that. How can it be remotely true when house prices are down as much as they are?
That is not why the government sources things out to contractors. Placing that kind of requirement may diminish the effectiveness of the...
I don't see how that matters. If the foreign or multi national company can do something better or cheaper then they should win the bid. If...
So how is the percentage an indication of bias? That number means nothing without context. What percentage of government contracts do small...
Like I said I'll gladly trade the deductions away when I don't have the expenses.
How is it slanted twords big business? Be specific and stop repeating what you heard some liberal commentator say.
Why should the government favor small businesses? What if the big companies can do it better, faster, or cheaper? If the big and the small do it...
I am a bit lower than the norm on the tax side because my wife is in nursing school, my kids are in daycare, and I max out HSA contributions. I...
To pay no taxes because of kids a couple would have to have AGI under 28,000. That is on the low end of middle class. An AGI of 28,000...
No getting the tax break amplifies that. This gives parents a bit more income to save, or spend. Both of those things are awesome for the...
No that would mean much less revenue. The point is a flat rate that would be about revenue neutral would be about 16%. That would mean a huge...
Liberal elitism I think it is called. Dummies like me... we just can't understand.
Do you know what the current average effective tax rate for someone making a gross of 60K is? It is 3%. Even at your 8% number you are almost...