Not sure...why did some of the lefties approve the war...oh yeah that’s right, the Evil Genus Bush deceived everyone and made the...
Pretty much sums up my issues with getting involved. The big lefties seem to say, "we couldn't let it turn into another Bosnia." I say you got let...
Thanks Anyone know how much they are running this year?
I’m like that with my dad, he would vote for a blue dog named Bonnie and a yellow bird named Bob it they ran together on the democrat ticket for...
When is the payment due?
Agreed, once you're there, you're there. Son of a BITCH!!! Is that dinner bill going to be shared with the limies and the frogs or is that all...
That is going to be cool until the batteries run out and the thing crashes down on the stadium killing everyone in its path. They should just...
Lawless?? They have been a democracy since we got involved. They had an election in 2006 and 2010. It is a multiparty system with a parliament and...
I hear it a lot...
In your scenario would the US be bound by a treaty that they signed after getting their tail whooped for acting all uppity towards Canada less...
Well, the UN told them to let us inspect and if they were collecting weapons they were in violation of our treaty with them after the first gulf...
My Crim Law Prof said it best when justifying going into Iraq. First, there was a reasonable belief by all agencies involved that Iraq had weapons...
Oh I agree, Iraq was completely justified in my opinion, Libya should have been left to the Euros. I fail to see how Libya’s situation threatens...
Yeah. As long as they are acting “pursuant to”, they are good. ETA: not that I agree with it BTW
You got to love that the folks on capitol hill, they will spill it one way when it helps them and then the other way when it hurts them....
I honestly thing the offense as a whole is going to shock a lot of people….uhm…in a positive way unlike the shock we were in last year. Ware...
oooooo....good one. He is running with group two right now. I see GOOD things in this kid’s future.
Moderate...really? Either you are so far left that you are almost a socialist, or this was a joke.
One of my post form another thread...seems more pertinent here.