No matter what the plan, when Auburn is in the backfield the whole second half not much you can do... the O line was humilated today. totally...
LSU Just plays and is coached stupid.. biggest play of the year after a timeout & we only had 10 men on the field.. Mmmmm.
that defensive lineman for Auburn is beating our whole team , he is awesome..
Is our offense that bad or is Auburn that good on Defense? I mean they gave up 40+ to Arkansas.
I'm gonna wait till its official to get excited..but I am getting a slight buzzzz.
Mathieu & Blue have impressed me the most so far, but all the freshmen that are playing seem to be doing very well... I just don't understand what...
So Blehm,, How did the visits go? Did we make any headway or unexpected progress with anyone??
To LSUTiga,,, Great Tip, Great site.. watched the whole game on my computer. Many thanks to you!
I'm wondering that if LSU does not have a good year this year that Trent will encourage some of the current scholarship players to transfer. Only...
Will LSU take anymore wide receivers? If so who heads the list??
I hope JJ becomes more durable & has a great season. BUT - from what I and all of you saw on the field last year we are way below par as SEC...
I hope you guys are right & Miles reinforces the Louisiana fences & it shows up on the field in wins. Replys & different opions are expected but...
I hate to say it guys, but if Sabin has his hook in Sylve you can forget him. I was sick the day Alabama signed Sabin as coach mostly because I...
If he is a good college prospect here's hoping we get him because it seems getting a top ranked QB to come to LSU is just not happening lately....
Wow, five days without a entry in this forum. I guess this really is a "dead" time. I'm going nuts without any LSU sports news. Will be glad when...
Speaking of Quarterbacks, Looking at Scout there seems to be only two three star (zero 4*) QBs that have both intrest in LSU & a offer from LSU...
Even if they were not here I sure hope we can get Rasco & Robinson to commit. Big Profile in state players & LSU needs to keep the best at home...
Thanks Blehm for posting the list... :wink:
Just a question - I know this is the wrong thread - hopeing someone would know... Is there a thread on 2011 Baseball recruits (commitments)???
Not sure if I posted anything about LSU crashing & burning the last half of the season but let me say that they sure have turned it around & I...