NO GOODDDD!!!! Come on offense let's get a TD...Oline needs to block n protect n WRs catch the ball
Great stop Defense can we block the kick please
Good hit Brockers thank you
They can't win passing so they are running it down their throat and their oline is man handling our Dline and LBs
That was pitiful
Damn LSU is grabbing and not wrapping up
Come on Defense let's go
two bad pass bk to bk by Lee lucky the WRs didnt get killed
Our QB coach must suck too our QBs footwork is horribe
Lets get a good return right here...Lee has to be in on this drive right?
Agree not tackling good either
Their oline is handling our Dline pretty good...Great play by Taylor
Agree they could've at least let a RB run the ball sht...Let's go Defense on this drive get a Turnover or 3 and out
Great Kick Jasper!!!
Damn their play clock is hidden
Come on oline
Bad pass by JJ ...very surprised Lee wasn't in maybe they are waiting for the initial home field adrenaline rush to come down some but I guess
For real
Hopefully the coaches saw how the Defense was playing and went over it with the QBs and now Lee will come in on this drive and we get a TD.