I think you are dead wrong. The coaches dont stick together they go for the allmighty dollar. Big money will buy big name coach, if LSU has it to...
Lee is not new. he is chancy at best. its no guarantee they even start him. But I hope they do.
Ive thought several times that this coaching staff would pull a player and put another in only to find out next week that it is status quo. Dont...
He will get fired OR they do not care about ...... ticket sales. and they DO care about ticket sales. WINS and LOSSES will get a coach...
Excuse me Mr. Tirk? werent you the one that said Crowton was a genius and Miles was was oh never mind.....:rolleye33: BTW I agree with your...
I wish he of all people would see that.
Well yeah it is the easiest thing to do..... I wont go so far as to say ""fix" but try something different. Lee is certainly not a QB we can...
Or would you consider for a moment that he is A VERY GOOD ACTOR ansd still has you fooled because you WANT to believe this? We all hope that is...
Oh i know that. I have no illusions that Lee or Crowton is going to save us from here on out. I remain hopeful that SOME change is better...
I have no idea what they had I wasnt at practice. I do know that Miles has proved he wont own up to poor play calling and game management...
Klink played the commandant of stalog 13 in Hogan's heroes. A german POW camp. He was cluless to the fact that the entire prison camp could come...
we have more than 3 stations here in INDY. watch some of the old sitcoms like HOGANS HEROS or BEVERLY HILLIBILLIES ( Jethro ) on the Nick...
I agree, but at some point you have to let the kid know as a coach or suffer the shame yourself with him. If they KNOW he isnt capable of...
Col Klink THINKS he has complete control too. None of this is Miles fault in his opinion. He is completely clueless. He isnt arrogant, he is a...
You do realize that Miles and Crowton would have/should have told JJ to clock the ball right? Do you think they did? Before the first play?...
I wear something LSU everyday. Toady and yesterday its been rainy for the first time in a while ( we needed rain ) so I wore my LSU...
I love Miles too! I used to LOVE to watch Col Klink he was hilarious! Clueless as he was you had to love the guy!
I move on so fast... LOL I didnt even watch any post game stuff. Its sunday, more football is on and racing isnt over yet. I am very...
Honestly, I dont see where it would matter.
you still love him dont you? lol :dis: