yeah, but if you get into a shoot-out with them -- which seems to happen a lot -- will it be enough? regardless, we need to have our secondary in...
i was waiting.... only 15 posts in, too. :hihi:
that's what i was trying to say, i had that miller lite handicap though. :hihi:
i never said they were terrible, they just aren't getting the job done. neither is richt. all i am saying is that if CLM's seat is so hot, why...
i thought vandy was the worst team i EVER saw in my life against LSU last weekend, honestly -- though a lot of it had to do with LSU's defense....
tim tebow.
this is what i would like to see, but for some reason i still have a difficult time holding miles at his word on anything.
i think we're a better team than last season. i also think that this State team is probably about the same as Auburn was a year ago -- perhaps...
yah, i miss out on all kinds of cool discussions because people like moving things to other areas of the forum. i say if it's LSU-related, keep...
Indian Mounds. OK, OK, old alex box lot.
Indian Mounds, Indian Mounds, Indian Mounds, Indian Mounds! :D
yeah i thought it was pretty funny (sad) when the announcers on TV said that the stadium was about 25% LSU fans... i was thinking, "maybe 25%...
i've been around the campus, never really paid attention to the levee or buildings -- though the architecture is nice. i usually stay to the...
i voted that they must be preserved, but i'd like to hear more about their historical significance. either way, i guess it doesn't matter to me....
i guess i already beat this into the ground, but i would take yates over jefferson in a heartbeat. but that doesn't mean that our coaching staff...
miles generally goes after quality recruits with character, so perhaps the guy is remorseful and is determined to prove everyone wrong? this...
that's what i have been trying to find out, too. only significance that i can see is that the indians built better levees 6,000 years ago than...
you play as a team. you win as a team. you lose as a team. i'll admit that a lot of it was jefferson's fault, but there is NO way it was all...
fair enough, i thought i remember him missing two (one being a chip shot,) and one was really, badly botched. :cool:
nancy from UNC? you mean the fifth-year senior? you mean the team that got 100 of those yards on a busted play that should have been a penalty...