HUD was the regulator of fannie and freddie. F&F were buying huge amounts of subprime mortgages at HUD direction. Under Bush, HUD drove the...
I'm just reciting the documentation to you that Bush said in his June 2002 speech about expanding home ownership for minorities, about giving them...
Frank was an ineffective ringleader if he was one. The house passed HR 1461, written by republican rep. Oxley of Sarbannes/Oxley fame, with the...
He clearly said "qualified low income". I believe you don't understand the use of the word "qualified low income". You are taking it to mean...
Hey, that's what I said!!! You channeling me? :hihi:
I'm swimmin wit da fishhead here. JJ was basically a 19 yr. old redshirt frosh QB forced to start last year before he was ready, because RP...
Good article gumbo, thanks!
I saw last season's LSU / Ole Miss game last night, still hurt to watch the last 4 minutes. We recover a miraculous onside kick, need a field...
Are we doing the right thing making Mingo a DE? Jack Lambert was a good linebacker, one of the best with the Steelers, and he was tall and...
Do you have a point? What is the date on those? How do they relate to the housing crisis?
I am trying to state the facts in a balanced way. The repubs held the house, the senate and the white house from 2001 to 2006. The subprime...
Bandit, good recap of the spring game. I feel just like you on the QB's, but I looked at the game recently and JJ had a few good passes...
And here is the rest of the story from your link, which you did not include because you are not trying to present a balanced portrayal of what...
Here is Pres. GWB, June 2002, getting the program up and running, and he included low income purchasers: President Calls for Expanding...
Texans Notes: Holliday puts on show for fans | Houston Texans Football | - Houston Chronicle
Bull. Why do the repubs give Bush, Frist, and DeLay a pass, since they were the majority leaders in the house, senate and white house, and they...
Agreed. I don't know anything about Dooley, but he's sounding like a good guy. Reasonable, with integrity.
I had the crab cakes Benedict when I was in Abita in December, Steve, I'll have to go back and try a new variety!
I'm glad to see Gore cleared, and Ware plus Blue coming in. Am I the only one a little concerned about our depth at running back? Murphy has not...