"the rich have stopped paying the mortgage at a rate that greatly exceeds the rest of the population. More than one in seven homeowners with...
someone please translate
i have no inside info, but i wouldnt be surprised if the jlee shellshocked 08 season is the reason. the coaches now value game experience more...
Ahab, did you get banned from the site? is that why you are back with a different name?
i guess it would be in D.
i have become a supporter of the wildtiger offense (in three seasons)
Republicans dont filibuster?!!! "For the third time in as many weeks, Senate Republicans on Wednesday successfully filibustered a bill to...
thats what i was about to say. controlling people isnt just a characteristic of the far left, the far right loves it too. but sdman shouldnt...
i just dont know what you have to worry about "President Obama said Thursday that government investment in clean energy would generate 700,000...
i think the rationale is that the cleveland press is giving lebron a pass while the ny media wouldnt.
he's not my guy. (my vote is available) i would never have a mini (but i do have a 4cyl). i think that all bumper stickers are stupid. but...
olajuwon-my favorite player ever. im biased but i think he was the best nba player ever too. i think there has never been a C in their time that...
he also knows both rosters and that UT would get handled.
ok, say its 100% political (which i dont buy), i dont see a ethical problem with it--or is that not your point. he's made no major u-turns, the...
evidently it wasnt his idea.
sure things always swing back in a democracy, but not just wrt politics on a scale of a few years. the unfortunate swing back is in the growth...
maybe. so? "lip service"? to the spill maybe, but to the economy?---already forget all the bitching about the stimulus? afghanistan? you...
cowherd said he wont go to ny because delonte west is violating lebron's mom. this is better than actually watching an nba game.
ok, but you should be more clear. so what is wrong with trying to get party votes to pass legislation? i suspect you dont really have a...
because momentum in programs is telling. programs that get turned around go through a typical progression. they are looking for that progression...