You don't have to explicitly define what types of clothes can't be worn. You are taking it too literally and completely missing the point because...
FROM A LEGAL STANDPOINT, it's not a rule unless it's in a policy AND the hospital has documented proof that the employee accepted said policy....
We are talking about 2 different examples here. In your example, I don't have a problem with some business owner restricting his employees from...
Exactly my point. If you are going to prohibit someone from doing something, it needs to have a better reason behind it than "someone might get...
I like how it's okay to restrict someone from doing something for fear that it might offend some little crybaby...but no one ever thinks of...
I fly at least twice a month and it's to the point now that some of the TSA dudes in the Baton Rouge airport recognize me. For some reason...
It wasn't directed at you...your post just reminded me of that argument. The main reason why is it tells me that basically someone just recycles...
Based on your analogy, you are comparing a $200 Dell ("lollipop") laptop that you saw on TV to the equivalent of an enterprise server in your...
If Porsche used an Audi engine, made the body out of aircraft grade aluminum, doubled their price and only allowed you to drive on state highways,...
I am aware that the company is doing well. I keep up with their stock as well. I didn't say anything about the company itself. I am speaking...
Macs are overrated IMO.
I can dig it.
I agree that there is a lack of competition in the broadband market. But Verizon's FIOS service is out there with a pretty large framework and I...
The FCC lost their case with Comcast today. Basically, the court said that the FCC cannot regulate private networks...for now... FCC loses key...
This does not make any sense.
Just because you say God doesn't exist in a very matter-of-fact manner doesn't mean it is true any more than me doing the opposite means He does...
Hate everyone. Trust no one. Don't be stupid. Have no regrets. The day you stop learning is the day you start becoming obsolete.
I actually went to Texas de Brazil last night...which is Baton Rouge's version of the churrascaria. It never gets old. I was satisfied with the...
I will not allow you to take Texas de Brazil away from me.
Yeah I didn't try Carnegie. My cousin sent me the picture of his sandwich and I was pretty disappointed. It was literally a giant stack of deli...