And the victims, innocent children who lost their lives at Waco. I will point out that if the Clinton Administration would have done the right...
Why stop with any of the taxes liberals now stand for? I think we should double the taxes for sports events period. Especially those who can...
I protest, I have already brought up this idea of dividing the country, Let the liberals and conservatives both have what they want. We could even...
Why would you say that?:dis: You can't acknowledge my point about Warren Buffet, you brought him up? You gave up to easy as I said I believe...
Elvis Presley? I'm sure there are plenty of professional athletes.politicians that were poor of all races. There are many immigrants from various...
It doesn't matter, it makes no difference when compared to thousands of dollars people pay into the system from income tax. Not at all, you have...
IMHO The Teachers Union! NEA?
I hope they don't, that would split the conservative vote. I don't know about that, I agree that they had started out as a one issue special...
I don't think its a good argument to compare someone who only pays sales tax to someone else who pays thousands of dollars in income tax or...
The only way I know outside of possibly a tea party is a third party but that will never happen until we have political reform Otherwise a...
I would argue that this is exactly what you are doing when some don't pay income taxes and others want the rich to pay more. Matter of fact...
I have an idea here? It is unfair to rate teachers on students abilities to learn and by other reasons stated in this thread. I also think it is...
Wow, I was thinking that he might not even be in the NFL a year from the date of the trade. I didn't realize someone would say that he was...
Link: Republican Activist and Friend Savagely Beaten in New Orleans I think you have to blame both sides for this kind of stuff. I think that...
I totally get your point here then but what really freaks me out is how many specialists are going to be left once the dust settles and how long...
Sorry, haven't read the whole thread! I figure I own you an apology also. Sorry I have been an ass toward you btw. I don't know, I'm confused...
That all depends on the patients situation, issues. I think the quality of medical care is going to go right down the toilet for many reasons. I...
Weren't you aware that they have Fox News on 24 hours a day there?:lol: Go ahead, ask me how I know?:shock:
Under the current system I believe you should be taxed more if you make more as long as EVERYONE contributes to society through taxes or work. I...
What is your definition of an alarmist? The problem with this forum is no one defines any of these terms or where they stand. People are all over...