NO,you are misunderstanding me, I was being sarcastic. What crimes have the families of executives committed that they should have the same kind...
I hope they succeed, pot should be legal in every state!
Your right, Tax Cheat Geitner, Communist Van Jones, the woman in his cabinet, whats her name that looks up to a communist leader, forgot the name....
This is what I am afraid of and watching for. We are becoming a second class country awfully fast!
Anyway I have thought about this a little more and no I don't think this stuff should happen, never said it should. I think the Dems crossed the...
I thought of another health care change according to Obama. He said basically that the insurance companies would pay us in order to cover us,...
Re: Banks to lose billions in student loan revamp Read more: - The Top 5 Disasters In the...
What will this do to the private insurance industry?
Health Care Bill - Text of H.R.3590 as Engrossed Amendment Senate: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -... OpenCongress Beginning not...
There is no logic in the government!!!! I that is the first thing they taught us repeating it over and over and over in class when I had my SBA...
Yes well you are both right and wrong if you ask me. In this situation you are right but you have still used terms like never and turn the other...
Again I stated that I don't believe violence is the answer in this situation so it seems to be a moot point. I believe you said violence is never...
Please explain how I have taken criminals side? All I said is that what was done to these people were political and it was wrong.
Show me where I said I didn't believe this and I will send you One hundred dollars. I will admit that my emotions are getting the best of me right...
The same way people can side with the criminals Obama, Pelosi and the Democrats who gave special treatment to one state over the other. All...
It is because this administration created the same type of thing against the AIG executives and private citizens. They were responsible for taking...
News Headlines
Pact to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks - Yahoo! News You have to wonder if he is going to down size the military? I mean after all of...
Quote: "Clearly our democracy is about participation. Our democracy is about differing and debate, and animated debate and passionate debate --...