The Tebow interview is ridiculous. He's acting like someone died.
You beat me to it.
Isn't the NFL Network game broadcast on a local affiliate? I thought it was, but maybe I'm wrong... EDIT: According to Wikipedia...
If (when?) Saban gets a MNC at Bama, he'll get bored and move on. Where to will depend on who needs a coach and who's willing to show him the money.
I think we need to see what happens this year in baseball before we can even speculate whether CJ3 is going to go pro there. As far as football...
Re: The crown effect of Tiger stadium field Yep, I heard it too. Didn't seem to affect the other quarterbacks that came to Tiger Stadium this...
With some better pants these uniforms could be decent. Don't like the all white.
Yeah, looks like a white Saints jersey with the black replaced as purple. Honestly, I think all these jerseys look like they were made in NCAA 10.
Mute the TVs and turn up the radios people. It's a much more pleasant experience.
I know, but as stated above LSU isn't allowed to sell it as a specific player's jersey.
Not only is it a half-game suspension, but a half-game suspension against Vanderbilt. What a punishment... :dis:
Everyone on Monday Night Countdown picked the Saints. Makes me slightly nervous, but I think they're right. SaintslogoSaintslogoSaintslogo
LSU doesn't sell/auction the game-used jerseys with the player's name on them. There's a reason for it, though I'm not sure it's the reason you...
IIRC, CBS gets first pick at the games. Like mobius said, I think they only get one primetime game a year though. ESPN picks 2nd, then SEC...
Are you referring to the Microsoft Office class? If so, it's ISDS 1100 (or was when I was there). Wow, history of collegiate sports. If they...
The Tiger Eyes have the Auburn logo between them. Now the entire forum has bad gris gris!
Not quite the same when it's in Tuscaloser.
Okie already has access to a Greenie weenie. :lol: