Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? I see an article on a blog with them: Nike Pro-Combat, The Complete Collection With Slogans! Friends of...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? The edges of the helmets looks f'd up and photo shopped on most of those. Where is that from?
Why Okie, you dirty little............
This one? If so then that's from my personal vault. It's cool tho. I am flattered if you're using it. [IMG]
My friend....... It's time for people to quit telling people how they should act on the forum. We're all here for different reasons. Whether it...
Yes, he has been just fine over time. As for the green beads, he got them the same way everyone else does. By simply posting.
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? always thought they look like pajamas
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? That is done by a fan, not the actual uniforms. I saw that posted elsewhere too.
I agree with you. The reputation stuff is trivial. Anyone who posts regularly has a bunch of little green boxes. Even if that person is a complete...
Which one? The dirty one he wears to practice bothers me.
and you should be far more concerned with treating Deceks with respect on this forum
Yes, lets move.
photo credit: lynxcat on droppings Click for larger version.
:huh: Quit calling for your girlfriend cousin. She isn't here.
btw, I did not tune into Larry King no thanks :hihi:
It was reported back when he was arrested. Don't remember details but I believe he was linked to crimes in BR too. No idea about his family in BR.
Now you do. I feel for that family.
Re: Hey everyone Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck!
Well, what approach will you take to accomplish this?
Hey everyone [IMG]