It's kinda like the old saying, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! The more I think about it, Jay Cutler may never be a...
There are some pretty big elections coming up in Virginia and Jersey, plus next year. Vote the incumbents out of office, it doesn't matter which...
Anytime a politician doesn't or won't sign on to something for him or his family that he provides for everyone else should be a red flag to the...
People are finding out that the myth of global warming is a hoax. The Liberals have to keep changing the names of everything to keep up with...
I agree with this also although I'm not sure about how far to regulate other than above. Here is the sticking point but there are some things we...
This is the part we can all agree that needs some reform or regulation. That can be done without a public option. I don't understand why it has...
Or go to a lobbyist or politician.:po: Corruption and power in government is no different than that of the private sector. Politicians always...
Because it takes money out of the private sector and gives it to the government for starters. It is the beginning of socialization also. Show me...
Fair enough but at what point do we quit blaming each other and hold people in power today accountable for their actions. Wreckless spending on...
There are other ways of doing that other than socializing the country. I already listed one. Are You people trying to say that Obama's way is...
It doesn't matter, even if that was the case any citizen should be alarmed by the fact that either party in charge of the country would be hell...
U mean a different kind of hope and change?:confused::rofl: U mean Obama's hope and change aint workin for yall?:confused:
I knew that would get a rise out of you!:lol: No, I don't really believe they want to put Americans in camps BUT they are already minimizing the...
A third party WILL NEVER Happen for many reasons. One reason is the main stream tv media is in bed with the Democrat party. Their agenda is the...
Honestly I find it really hard to believe that a 3rd string true freshman QB is the best running back on the team. I can't believe there is that...
I think I do agree with this BUT right now he isn't. I think i disagree somewhat here. Cutler threw quite 18 picks last year with all the weapons...
Congratulations to all Saints fans! I am really amazed at how well the Saints are these days!
So now that the dust has settled and many thought the Broncos organization was terrible I'd like to point out that I like the way things turned...
Did you send that to the coaching staff last week?:lol:
You mean just like the movie!:lol: