I can't believe people actually watch this guy. YouTube - Glenn Beck blames godlessness for America's problems Societies worse off 'when...
What a bunch of morons: Wal-Mart best symbolizes America, a new poll finds - Yahoo! News NEW YORK – Half the respondents of a new poll say...
Did anybody else see this.. Just wow: Security beefed up at Fenger this morning - Chicago Breaking News I also found this comment on the...
The past couple of weeks I really thought progress was being made. It looked like both the O and the D were making some ground but after last...
Ok I made the thread title a little more dramatic than needed but I felt I needed to get a point across and I really wanted to hear from others....
I feel as if the food is getting worse and worse each year. Can we get a Cane's in there or something.. Geeeze.
I'm hoping for a miracle here.. Get the ponchos ready!
What are you thoughts on this? Personally I think it's yet another stab at our freedom. And no I don't condone drinking and driving. Innocent...
Sad Sad Sad Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News Internet companies and civil liberties...
I watched this and wow did this man feel like a snake and scum to me.. UGH. What is your assessment ? YouTube - Digg.com Q & A with Tim...
I'm getting a bit tired of the health care debates so time for some change. I have noticed many times during prayer and other teachings that...
I'm a bit confused why Obama is making this a big deal? Ok pre-exisiting conditions are a terrible thing and I wouldn't want to have one...
Does anyone know which section is LSU at the Bama game?
If you haven't see this guy start watching now. He's another person fighting to bring this country back to what our Founders would like. I can...
from Bloomberg: President Barack Obama may accept nonprofit health-insurance cooperatives in place of a new government-run plan as long as...
How? [IMG] Get ready middle class. Tax hike coming..
124 W Main St New Roads, LA 70760-3510 (225) 618-2424 If you haven't tried this little gem you are missing out on some great food. While a...
Some interesting points: Universal Health Care, The Devil Is In The Details All Things News * Page 22: Mandates audits of all...
What do you make of this: YouTube - Shocking Hypocrisy Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation
I was watching a speech by Obama and his ending words were: "the cost of action (to fixing the problems) in some cases is great but the cost of...