that's what we have been waiting for. that was a very well thrown ball!!!
i want triple option. scott on dive, shep at qb and take your pick for the pitchman
with our play makers, I would prefer to see us lineup with split backs. I think that offers a different look than the I or the pistol, and...
i don't care who you are, thats funny right there
that's a rather broad generalization. I don't leave early and I don't boo. I don't post much during the week. I run 2 businesses and spend my...
we don't have a qb on the roster that is allowed to audible
Its all on the coaching staff right now. This team has some of the best talent in the country, and week-in and week-out, we are under-prepared...
fixed it for you.:wave:
as long as msu sucks, the sec will never enforce the rule.
He'll keep improving. Its just frustrating cause tight coverage by a better team and that is incomplete or int.
Right after you said that, PP caught a cramp. :huh:
better rewind your dvr. toliver had to slow down and wait for the ball to get there. hit him in stride and he scores btw, that looked like...
poorly thrown ball. well underthrown. poor coverage allowed completion. but hey, we scored.
You're right. Chuck is no Billy Cannon.
alem is no marcus spears as far as dropping into coverage goes
our defense reeks of lou tepper
I'm more interested in the general discussion on the difference between necessary and excessive force. Its very unfortunate that the entire...
I'm honestly surprised by your response. I would have thought that you would have said that the simple act of discharging of a firearm in a...
I love to watch people discuss excessive and deadly force. In the world of law enforcement, there is no such thing as excessive force, only...