Thankfully, no. And I would pour his beer out if he even tried. :hihi:
Hunters use "smells" taken from does to lure in the big bucks... Maybe some aromatherapy could be used? :wave:
Spoke to a big Ole Miss fan last night and he said it was really bad. He didn't think they'd have enough to dress out if they did have a game this...
Could be worse... :wink:
I read a few weeks ago that they also cancelled their fan day due to the swine flu.
Notice the straw. She is not simply resting the cup there between sips. It is permanently positioned there. Come to think of it, it looks as...
I take back what I said about the song. I hate it. It is horrible. But I still LOVE Kenny Chesney.
I think the game was a great way to highlight were we need to concentrate. I'd rather a win with these things pointed out than- - key injuries...
Glad to hear you are okay!!
Most obnoxious color I've seen is that bright azz USM gold. Head to toe. Hat, shirt, shorts and shoes. He's quite proud of himself too. Aww! My...
Haven't decided yet. If all goes well and he's on his best behavior I may cheer for his boys. If he pisses me off I will screaming my head off for...
That would be me. I LOVE KENNY CHESNEY!! Haven't heard the song yet but it has to be better than the Big & Rich crap.
Re: We're playing some football in just 2 days...2 throbbing days I'm wearing purple. But I always wear purple. No thanks. I like Matt...
Re: We're playing some football in just 2 days...2 throbbing days Between being 9 months preggers, getting my iPhone yesterday and gameday this...
Re: Official LSU v. UW Game Thread; 9:30 pm; ESPN Watched the 07 National Championship Game on a Carnival Cruise Ship with hundreds of LSU fans...
movin' on up!!! okay. i'll stop.
I wish upon you the worst kidney stone known to man. hope diamond size. :wink:
Well this is subjective. Is a beer pong table "causing trouble?" What about dancing and yelling "Tiger bait?" :wave:
Re: Official LSU v. UW Game Thread; 9:30 pm; ESPN Always allowed. If in doubt- ask! In the stands and on the boats! [IMG] 38 [IMG] 3...