he was on the sidlines for a very long time and his last few years at tenn he moved to the press box.
one of the better posts i've read so far about the game, agree 100% edit: oh and yes i think the gameplanning is intentionally vanilla...
if anyone looks at holliday as someone who can be an NFL type player, they would be sorely mistaken. his size will always limit his effectiveness...
look at the bright side.....he'll never out kick his coverage....ever.
ah well would you look at that. there appears to be some kind of football match tomorrow night. i hope we can score some goals.
ahh, u learn something everyday. i've never had adidas, i just mock what i don't understand.
adidas-all day i dream about soccer uhhh no thanks, i'd rather wear shoes that were born for men's sports thanks.
Best.............question..............ever. how's deep space?? please tell me it's devoid of some oxygen. brutha, you have no idea.
i never had any desire to own a gun until i had a child. however, my wife will not allow me to own one (or at least keep it in the house with...
i honestly don't know how these guys sleep at all. i have trouble sleeping just before tailgating. and that's pretty much the most important...
with the exception of USC 03 and Miami 01, the examples would point to the opposite of this argument. teams usually drop off a bit after winning a...
(this post in no way condones drunk driving) way back in my college days or before. if i ever was to get behind the wheel after having a few, i...
one of my friends says i look like a cross btwn jon favreau and a younger gerry dinardo. not exactly a compliment but i'll just pretend he meant...
peel backs offer the best hits ever like the lafell hit and the west va-uconn game in the compilation above.
think so, eugene being the other at two deep i think.
love fat tire. will be happy when yeungling finally comes to La. if it ever does.
any team no matter who isn't expected to sell out after going 0-12. no matter who the opponent is especially when the opponents' fans have to come...
i don' t know how many beers abita has officially made, but i know i like them all with the exception of two: the jockamo ipa and the satsuma...
dude, i had no idea fall fest was out so early, you just made my weekend. tirk, gotta try fall fest, it's the truth. we usually get a couple of...
nuttin special, probably just some abita amber or shiner bock. but sometimes i'll splurge (one of my favorite non dirty dirty sounding words)...