Yeah, the kids probably wouldn't succeed when they're born and grow up, so we should just nip it in the bud and deny them the chance at life. :shock:
I guess that'll be good to have the next time you go into space.
The Kingfish! I went once, I guess for the novelty of it. Never went back. Although I did catch one of those t-shirt rolls that the zamboni...
"We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots." Yeah! The current impatient generation,...
Not to drift the thread, but I gotta chime in on the thought that military members and families may feel angry at Bush because of the wars. I can...
That prayer was more like a speech, and that part you quoted was awful and offensive.
I had no idea what he was saying, but it sure sounded good.
Is anyone else watching the inauguration? I love the pageantry and the whole meaning of it, the peaceful transition of power. I wonder what...
Oh man, WMDs again. The issues of WMDs was very much one of the top reasons used to get people convinced we should go to war with Iraq, but let's...
Oh my goodness, that Clark hit was brutal. McGahee went instantly limp. Hope he's ok.
Tonight I had shrimp stir fry. Tried something new and added red peppers... it worked out nicely. My brother lives in Fort Worth, and every time...
I'd love to have that job: multi-millionaire cheerleader.
Wonder if anyone at the beginning of the season put money on the Cards going to the Super Bowl...
That was a tough call - looked like the defender got caught up in his own feet. Of course, if it was the Saints in the Eagles position, I'd be...
Here's something I've been wondering about the switch... I was in Baton Rouge when Gustav hit, and the whole time our power was out, we ran a TV...
I always kinda figured university professors sat around in wicker chairs in the sun room, wearing pith helmets and knee-high socks while they...
I know where you're coming from. Everything good you hear about North Carolina BBQ is true, but sometimes I want something from home. These...
You mean Teebus?
Pleasantly surprised? Expecting something in the near future? You can take a lot away from that picture :lol: