Not reaching. Just pointing out that people are generally pigs. At lease some had the intestinal fortitude to help clean up. [media]
For all you environmentally forward thinkers out there, don’t fret, as this year’s Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) is one step ahead. The...
LOL. I think its a safe bet she didnt withdraw because she wanted to. They either found some skeletons or the Governors support was dwindling.
Looks like she is withdrawing.
Yes...twice. I had to watch it the second time because I could not believe the bullchit I witnessed the first. It was terrible.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :insane: :insane: :insane: All credibility lost, forever.
Too bad. I guess he didn't develop. Bit of a recruiting bust. Didnt he come in with the Mitchell's? The entire wide receiver haul that year was...
Robert Whul, Assume the Position "History is a wonderful thing if only it where true" "The stories that made up America and the stories that...
Say bye bye to their coach. He was skating on thin ice anyway. This just caused him to fall through.
It was both regarding Garner. Orgeron and him coach the same position and it would have created problems. The money was only 50K more but Georgia...
Chuck Negron is another who could easily be on someones list for top 20. His voice is distinct and POWERFUL.
Which is entirely my point. I would also take it further and say that few have ever been quoted saying the things Kiffin said about stealing...
Unfortunately Hillary will be about as successful as Condi. Rags think women are second class humans and thats not going to change.
coming back
Kumbaya diplomacy dont work. Obama will find that out very quickly with Israel and the Palestinians. I heard him the other day talk about a new...
Definitely the two low lights of the entire ceremony. What the he11 was wrong with Aretha? Sounded like her voice was completely shot along with a...
On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long...
Not exactly the retraction Texas people were hoping for. I was hearing that a full retraction was coming from the NY Times and this isnt it. Maybe...
Say what you want about Bush but he left office in an extremely classy way.