Auburn is just absolutely terrible.
haha...great post.
And a W. Took some hard work, but it was needed. I just hope that people didn't break their ankles too badly jumping off the bandwagon..
INTERCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! The D has definitely woken up this half!!!!!!!!
That was an AWESOME tackle
The game isn't even over yet. LSU has only lost one game...yes they lost badly, but you have to see how a team responds to adversity before...
TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!! Will this quiet all the negative nancies out there?
TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I'm thinking we need someone on the level of Will Muschamp... :thumb: And that play just sucked. CATCH YOUR PASSES.... Looks like Byrd...
The bottom line is that this game IS NOT OVER YET....there is still plenty of time, plenty of lesticles, and we will see what will happen here in...
You completely missed the point....and the comparison you just made with Garcia is beyond laughable.
sigh. :dis:
It's too bad he cared more about himself than the team. Keep that in mind.
This game is a complete and utter snorefest so far. Come on LSU, kick it up a notch several notches!
Re: Could we look back on this loss and say that's the day Les Miles star started to Please don't encourage him. Oh, and the last thing...
Agree completely. Most of the time in football, "co-coaching" NEVER works because you have two opinions that sometimes oppose each other which...
That is not the reason. F N.S. The reason is because Bo Pelini is gone. There is absolutely no decent coaching on the defensive side.
Um, I think it is safe to say after this game that the co-defensive coordinator thing ain't working out too well. Can we get a true defensive...
Someone ban Suncoast. What an annoying little fruitcake. Anywho, it isn't over til it's over, and it certainly isn't over now with Lesticles...
What the crap is LSU doing???? OLE MISS beat Flawduh LSU should do it too! Hopefully they will come out fired up in the 2nd half...this is...