How do you feel about the fact that 100's of billions of dollars are going to be handed over to foreign owned banks? Their reasoning behind...
The country has already suffered drastically. Throwing money at bad investments isn't going to solve this problem. Time will tell which one of...
If you understand how the economy of the United States was designed to work...then this bailout is nothing less than criminal.
What...? Biden spin something or flat out lie to misrepresent what he, or obama, has said or done. No way...never. Say it ain't so SF. Just in...
That sounds about right....:hihi:
Laissez-faire! Laissez-faire! Laissez-faire! Laissez-faire!
I call bullsh*t. Once they are in office, they have to start paying back the crooks that they sold their souls to in order to get elected....
Obama has gotten to them. They're buying the crap he's selling. The last thing I'm worried about with McCain is another four years of...
What I hear is that this is the last shot for the republicans to have any say in this matter. The democrats in the house and senate could damn...
That's a snappy come back, completely meaningless, but snappy non-the-less.
Well have labeled yourself as insignificant.
Re: Must see video! Pulls the curtain back to reveal roots of current economic crisis Wow...original video is no longer available. Here you...
In case you have the time to read the new bill, here it is...all 451 pages of it. http://senateconservatives.files.wor...ailouttext.pdf By...
In case you have the time to read the new bill, here it is...all 451 pages of it....
Yet another reason to stop this madness... Foreign Banks Hope Bailout Will Be Global
An argument against.... [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
These guys said they're all voting for obama. And yes, these are Americans [MEDIA] I promise you, with this type of motivation, I could...
The one who is not a socialist, George Soros sponsored, one world government promoting, demanding my kids learn spanish, piece of ****.
I guess once obama's running the country, along with a democrat led House and Senate, we'll see a lot more of this.... How long until this crap...
No freaking way.....:eek: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] They're even doing it overseas... [MEDIA]