Apple juice and vodka are EXCELLENT. I went to Montenegro two years ago and they didn't have any of the stuff I normally drank so I tried apple...
Feast - chicken nuggets and macaroni, lol... Drinks - Vodka and applejuice for me, Sam Adams for him Garb - LSU jersey and jean cutoffs Sounds -...
Checkin in! :geaux:
Apparently they've removed several of them but people keep reposting it. If this one is removed too,...
Was anything of substance said here? I mean seriously...
I appreciate that so much. :thumb: I am gonna call around and see if there's a sports bar around here open that early with ESPN Classic.
I think worst of all is the people like me who don't get to watch it at all because I don't get ESPN Classic and don't live close enough to listen...
It's a whole different kinda beautiful though. It's like comparing Adriana Lima to Jessica Simpson... or whatever :hihi: You are right though.
Boone is ABSO-F'ING-LUTELY beautiful. It's a fun little town with lots of quaint shops and gorgeous scenery. I used to live about an hour west...
The hubby and I are supposed to have tickets from a friend who's a Gator fan... Ugh, I know, but whatever, it's tickets. I'm going, but I don't...
My favorite... I swear to God every time I watch ESPN that they HATE LSU and the SEC.
These along with: 6. Do NOT tell me what my team is doing wrong in the game... I KNOW AND I CAN SEE, thank you very much. This could lead to...
I get tears in my eyes when the band plays Pregame. Those first fours notes get me more emotional than any other notes in music. I would...
Dirty Bess Roberts You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the...
I am extremely excited about this game. I lived about an hour from Appy State when I was in Johnson City, Tennessee and have always supported...
Sweet the only stadiums Ive been to are the two "toughest." My first was Neyland and second was Tiger Stadium, so I guess it doesn't get any...
[IMG] OH MY GOD. I'm scared to death someone is under my car waiting to cut my achilles tendon. I will literally jump into my car from about 3...
Yeah huh...
I just read in Reader's Digest what would probably be my favorite ever. "I can't find any cute shoes to wear." :hihi:
I called in with food poisoning so many times at my dealership job in five years, you would think they would have started to wonder... Guess not,...