Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to "Go to Hell", And have them look forward to the trip.
Can't get your mind off that, can you? Please seek professional help. It's for your own good, I promise! :oldskule:
Is it just me, or does the new jersey remind anyone else of West Virginia? Probably just a coincidence. I guess Michigan figures they've changed...
Another fine movie reference.....one of my favorites!
North Dallas Forty (Mac Davis as Don Meredith still cracks me up) Everybody's All American (Surprised this isn't more popular here!) Brian's Song...
First of all, let me say that although I'm born and bred a Southerner, I regard Abraham Lincoln as the only true genius ever to have served as...
Yeah - that's true. Just look at Andy Dufresne! Is there anything more terrifying than going to prison for murders you DIDN"T commit? :oldskule:
Don't try to apologize - just apologize. There's no need for diatribes like yours. Not funny, not cool. We just lost our mascot last year and...
Jones, who played defensive back and special teams for the LSU football team as a freshman in 2007, left the baseball team in midseason....
I think Harry Coleman will be our next great DB. Why? Did you see him in the NC game in January? Dude was always around the ball and made a couple...
You're right, Okie. To call this group a church gives them a sound of legitimacy they do not deserve. What a depraved lot they must be! I'm sure...
Years and years ago when I was managing a big seafood restaurant on the Gulf Coast, my most important cook called in on a Friday night. Friday was...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." :oldskule:
A lot of folks might be interested to know that you can go to a TRUCK STOP with your toiletries and pay a small fee for use of a shower (which...
How do I do that?
First game I've been able to watch here in Kentucky - thanks to the Duece! What are they feeding these Tigers? What a way to start a game!:oldskule:
Seems to me that the way to handle it is to beat them senseless on the field and then treat 'em REAL nice at the #6 dance later in the...
My best wishes to Skip - I've had the same procedure so many times we refer to it as my "oil change". If his situation is like mine has been,...
Ahhhhh - the Voice of Reason. I knew you were out there somewhere. Thanks for showing up.:oldskule:
I agree with you 100%. Jacob Hester is a FOOTBALL PLAYER. You could start building a team around him just based on his attitude and leadership....