An attempted explanation from an "expert" is hardly evidence. Others agree. So what. Other so called experts disagree. You have not proved or...
You've done nothing more than countered my assumption with an assumption. New possibilities that are among many other possibilities. The...
No one. What created whatever existed before the Big Bang? It's an argument that no one can win.
Simply by choosing the hypothesis that are mainstream. This may be the case in science but in general if you don't know something you should be...
Where is a scientific paper that explains where the ingredients from the Big Bang came from and where those ingredients came from and so on? You...
Getting back to my original point which is that mainstream science cannot explain where the original ingredients of the big bang originated and...
Science has not made any progress in answering the question that I proposed to you. (How the substances that started life came to be.) Yes...
I never said anything about science being wrong. I said science will never tell us how life began or how the substances that started life came to...
Then why not post the answer here? I'll post my reply to it (and for each subsequent post you make) now. Then where did that come from?
Evolutionist 1. a person who believes in or supports a theory of evolution, esp. in biology. 2. a person who supports a policy of gradual...
I said science will never tell us how life began or how the substances that started life came to be and so on. Where did the comets, the water,...
Then what is sciences idea of how life started or how the substances that started life came to be? Why wouldn't evolutionist be concerned with...
So where does science say life began? Science tries to explain to us how life got to a certain point without knowing how it started. How it...
Why do you choose to ignore all the good religion/faith has done including the billions upon billions of dollars worth of food, clothing, and...
Nonsense. He implied that a belief in God is fantasy and I wanted to know what would make an individual belittle people of faith. Notice he did...
I'm curious why you feel it's appropriate and necessary to belittle peoples faith? Is it because you're uncomfortable with your own...
If you believe something cannot come from nothing (which scientist believe) then something existed before the Big Bang and whatever that was had...
What craziness are you referring to?
You give an example of evolution within species. Science is lacking concrete proof that one species can jump its genetic track and morph into...
If you want to call it a religion then fine. I'm not ashamed of my beliefs when it comes to politics and I admit I'm very passionate when it...