Rafa played brilliantly yesterday. For a match that went that long, I couldn't believe he was still chasing down balls as if it were the first...
That's it, right there. Now I know I'm not voting for him.
That's a good question. At first glance, without thinking about it too much, I'd say this situation was a perfect opportunity for the Jindal...
Umm, yes.
We may be going back to an earlier spacecraft, but we're going to be using newer technology in doing so. It's not like we're going out to the...
Winning kind of is everything when it comes to elections. There really isn't a moral victory when you don't get even a fraction of the delegates...
Here's an honest question though: is it really worth it for him to risk pissing off the Legislature and thus not get anything he wants...
Game ain't over yet, dude. And this team is capable of a comeback this late.
I'm not married, so that is not an issue. Also, that is a terrible comparison.
Ok. Still failing to see why Western oil companies getting a crack at Iraqi oil is a bad thing...
So we may get a crack at more oil. Gas is pretty expensive right now. Still not seeing the downside. Oh, and by the way, get over it. We...
Why is this a bad thing?
Personally, I think I'd believe something I read on the internet over some chick who claims to be "semi" dating the guy (which I think we all know...
Don't worry. All Rex has ever done is bash Jindal with nothing to back it up.
Personally, I think Jindal is just trying to get in good with McCain for Louisiana's sake. I don't think he's jockeying for the VP spot.
The Bulls had a 1.7% chance of winning the lottery this year.....now that's just odd luck.
:huh::huh::huh: :hihi::hihi:
What, too lazy to look for it yourself? :hihi:
I can honestly say that I'm no surprised. At the same time, this was a tough decision I'm sure. They were both very equally qualified. Given...