Brought tears to my eyes...going to be tough to say goodbye to another home...
Do it...I dare you! You don't think I have my own dirt to throw around??? :D
Geaux seminoles!! (Okie don't tell grumpy greenie or for that matter mom :D )
No silly, the strippers are doing an exhibition match...
I said I was making some of this up, kept out which parts though. But I guess you let the cat out of the bag, now everybody knows about the...
Well you other krewes better get your game face on and get fired up because tdt is ready! There is talk about practices, pep rallys, and...
Opps..not doing well off the blackberry this evening.. [email protected]
As jayb has proved...nothing can keep a tiger down! Wishing you well skip! You can email him your wishes at [email protected] I think?...
LMAO!!! Yea, that should really improve his mood!!!:rofl:
well I just called isltl and updated him on the win and told him he needs to look up their stats and get us some dang percentages and stats for...
ooohhhh...great new name!!! GRUMPY GREENIE!!!! I coined it but can be used anywhere and at any time!!!
Need final, mom and dad are going to eat now (yes they are 70 and play like they are 25 still) and mom wants the update!
Good grief... Might as well to usm to catch the early bus home cuz its over! :D
Well let's see... Tailgating, beer drinking, compeitions, and football...twist my arm, I'm in!! :D
Nope I don't take no for an answer!!! I ain't scared!
Alright they are on south stadium drive right next to the stadium. If you have any questions you can pm me and I will get you in touch with...
Man, Shane911 and I missed you today! We had a blast!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Took off work myself! Me and shane0911 are going to be at the same bar you met me at before watching it on the computer! Come join us! You can...
He is allowed in the ring with me? didn't know that! I am sure to win now!