The sky's falling! The sky's falling! Come on guys...have a little faith. Jeez, haven't we learned anything? Our program is just fine and there...
Neither are worth waisting time thinking about. We've got what we've got. Period. No other freshman QB at LSU has ever had the kind of talent...
Let's see.... 2007 - First two loss team to win the BCS NC....2008 - third team to win NC with freshman QB. Of course guys, this assumes that...
Why attack Don?
This guy is nuts....
It was this year, or never.....right? Congrats Mr. Cannon!
We're missing out guys..... BATON ROUGE -- The rest of the collegiate track and field world is looking up at LSU once again as the Tigers...
They forgot Reperation.
Hence the screen name.....
Watch out trojan, she'll mess you up,...and make you like it. :hihi: I'll let you handle this one orlando. ;)
Nope. All teams will still be required to have the six mandatory wins in order to play in a bowl. If the Little Least doesn't have enough teams...
I never said I didn't think highly of myself.....I said you obviously think too highly of yourself.
Interesting. Can you say "Overcomplicated"? Caucuses are bad enough but super-delegates take the cake. If left up to me, I'd probably base...
You can never be too cynical about politics, or politicians. Red, can Obama lose the nomination at this point. Most talking heads say that there...
Hell, they're not even the second or third most elite. :hihi:
It would be typical. We finally get something promising, and overall good, and some yahoo from out of state walks in and takes it away from us....
I'm Shocked That You're Shocked...I Respect SC Football And Occasionally The Non-Thug Player...But Now I Know The Truth Is That Most SC People Are...
2000 - 2008 Drafts broke down by conference and school. LSU tied for 6th place with the most 1st round picks (8) and 9th place for the the most...
Highsmith to the Cardinals.....