I mailed off my son's app a few days ago without a roommate request. No one on his team wanted to go but I forgot to check here. If anyone has a...
Looks like a solid hire to me, I'm happy with it.
I agree, just as long as all that is done after the Iraqi's are able to control the insurgents on their own. They should have been able to do so...
I could see any of the top 10 at #1, except for ASU.
It seems to me to be a matter of promotion. I wonder how Florida and alabumble do it.
Exactly where is the "University of Ohio State"?
After being married for 44 years, a man took a careful look at his wife one day and said, "Honey, 44 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap...
I agree. I would gain a great deal of satisfaction inflicting pain & suffering upon those pitiful worms. Roaches deserve more mercy.
Anywhere else around there that low? Is that a typo? Where?
Nuthin from Missippi ever amounted to much I reckon
Score? I'm at work.
It's a beautiful campground in daylight but that road out of there is somethin else at night. We're talkin Sasquatch territory combined with Camp...
Worse gumbo: Dad and I went to Tuscaloosa 3 or 4 years ago and I let him handle the ingredients for a gumbo. He ended up bringing a few pounds of...
My grandmother's chicken & sausage gumbo, very dark and usually with file, sometimes with okra. She was born Loza Smith in Lanse Seau Paille...
Rumor has it that the casino developers have been buying up property down there ever since the election. Apparently they have no intention of...
Devastator Leroy, Leroy's father, and Rev Lenox Let's not get out of line. What's the name of the town in Unforgiven?
You ever had the cinnamon buns at Krispy Kreme? OMG! them things are like crack, awesome
They're still Samoas, just bought a box from some Girl Scouts at the WalMart on O'Neal Lane. They're my favorite too, hopefully I'll make the box...
It was fun. Without lookin at the stats/numbers I would say that poor shot selection/sloppy shooting cost them. This game was winnable, the Lady...
Yea, Fowles is the only name I recognize. My daughter turns 13 today, she loves basketball. I told her about the game and she wants to go for...