WE got MUCH needed rain, as y'all did too ..so I hate to complain..but sheesh..all in 24 hrs??? And yes..plenty 'o chitlens were runnin late...
Exactly.....you have NOOOOO idea what 1 child does to those abs, I can't fathom 4...even after you're back in tip top shape the abs are shot...now...
Dale Earnhardt...RIP
Ahh-haa...whell.. the guy in the middle looks like he may need to see a urologist...he looks to be in a bit of pain...perhaps he's passing a...
WHY do they feel the need to keep jacking w/ the freakin' rules of the game?? Leave well enough alone!
Andrew Carnegie
Ahhh, Godfathers in Baton Rouge...yum!! Nowadays...PappaJohns for the man...if he's gone or working late then small fry gets to order (love...
mmmm, yours sounds waaayyy better than mine!
What the HELL are they suppose to even be doing or posing for???? idiots
I hate Brady Quinn
Jackson Brown
we got the same on this coast too...power went out..jacked w/ my alarm clock...when mammas runnin late...EVERYONES runnin late...and we had...
This, my husband would say, is WHY we no longer live in the great state of Missouri...which by the way...I LOVED ( we resided in both Kansas City...
Amy Smart
Sonic Rocks!! When we 1st moved here, about 2 yrs ago, they didn't have one. We JUST got one about 3 mos. ago...I go weekly!! Normally just for a...
A Kashi cereal bar that tastes a bit like I imagine mulch would taste...washed it down w/ a Cinnamon Dulce Grande Latte from Star...
Husband has a meeting soooo something thats good hot and cold Ahh..boiled shrimp, caesar salad, french bread...
Elizabeth Shue
dannnnnng...I was just about to post THAT!! Shawn Cassidy...flashhhhhhh back
Katie Holmes (Cruise)...Did she take that wackos last name???