Go Milk?
Vince Anthony
Me too. But I would like to try them.
Maybe they will schedule us anyways. The last two times LSU had La Tech and South Carolina on the schedule they brought home the :crystal:.
1. Silverchair - Frogstomp Tomorow 2. Live - Throwing Copper I Alone...
The third bullet is my favorite. I'm always wishing my wife was more gay. Pretty funny to see how not only times have changed, but a lot of...
Yeah. Students should be happy with the move, if they like good seats.
Because they put Dorsey on the roster. The others haven't graduated yet.
The band will be in section 217 now....
I know that. And I made sure to point that out in my initial post on this subject. I agree. Just like some college student do. And I have faith...
How do you know this? Are you just guessing. Again. How do you know this? Because you don't hear about it? Perhaps I shouldn't have said most...
They had better judgment. That's why they are captains and team leaders as seniors. They realized the role they were in earlier than RP did and...
Thank you. I understand he's the QB on the National Championship LSU tigers team. But some people on here forget that he is a college student and...
I heard Shinn on WWL and he said he doesn't want to move. He is tired of moving and his family likes it here. He will renegotiate if the...
I thought they stopped people from bringing laptops and such last year. Maybe someone could update via blackberry or something.
#32. Well at least Scott really does play special teams. I'm just glad he isn't #11 or some peoples heads would explode in 2010. If he chooses LSU...