"Pretty soon" is almost here. MLB has decided that base coaches will wear head protection next season. Makes sense. I see no downside to...
Sounds like a better ball game.
I like much of what this guy says. As for his principles, morals, ethics, and such, I'm in no position to judge. But to have some remote chance...
Don't have experience from which to speak. I've owned a Pontiac, never owned a Heisman. I never had much luck in the Pontiac. I'm just guessin'...
$9 million an hour ? I've got to fill 'er up in the morning at $3 a gallon. And I'm looking forward to April 15th. Don't get me wrong. I'm...
These kids need to get their minds on arithmetic and writing and doin' their chores. If they did, stuff like wouldn't be happening. I still...
Thanks. It's much clearer to me now.:lol:
Japanese tourists are interesting to behold. While touring the White House, in certain areas, we were instructed to take no photographs or...
My dad and I agree on most things but we've argued about this leprechaun sumbitch since he was at Arkansas. My dad is a big fan of the little...
Tirk, The first 2 paragraphs were pasted off CNNSI's article on the trade. The paragraph above from the original post was my opinion, not from...
I want the snuffys to beat the living hell outta the coon dogs.
This guy is a pleasure to watch. The down side of him becoming more prominent in the game is that the media will continue to wear out the lameass...
I guess it depends on which side of Lidge would've showed up next spring. NLMD pretty much sums up my feelings on Lidge in his 1st post above. I...
Heartbreaking story. Could have just as well been many of us but for the grace.
We occasionally get Whitlock's column in our local paper. I don't always agree with him and race is often mentioned in his work. Having said...
The Philadelphia Phillies became the first team to make a big move at the general managers' meetings, acquiring closer Brad Lidge from Houston...
I thought that, too, that and the amount it'd cost to buy out Weis. Have to wonder though, what Ty Willingham is thinking about all this.
Adjust the font for the old folks:grin:
An interesting take on ND and the Huskers from Ivan Maisel... "As Notre Dame and Nebraska plummet toward the bottom of their respective history...