Oh I see. I would have done it the other way as most people will more than likely read it as 3 losses to Miss st., 2 losses to Ole Miss, and 1 win...
khounba, what's up with the sig? The left side is incorrect.
That's pretty pitiful. I must admit though, there are some pretty objective posters on their board.
Give me a break, players do dirty things on their own all the time. I think it's a bit far fetched to say he was coached to do that.
Fear the hat:hihi: [IMG]
Can you really blame him for saying that? From an outsider's point of view, he's right based on what our D did in the first few games compared to...
He certainly has motive to inspire LSU. He picked us to win the NC, so maybe he is trying to fire the team up.
Like someone already mentioned, this thread was started by one of our resident Bama fans.
Please do not take too much longer to understand my comment, I can't hold my tongue against my cheek for too much longer.
I too played it more than once. :lol:
You're right, UT has fallen but they'll be back. As for Bama, good to see they finally are getting TV time. They need the recognition if they ever...
Not sure if it's been posted, but my search turned up nothing... This guy is great:rofl: [MEDIA]
Herd is constantly giving LSU props for some reason. It was the same deal last year. Last year, even with a loss, he was saying we were the only...
I'm resting easy knowing that the two teams immediately on top of us will either fall, or we will jump them at some point if we win out. Just be...
I disagree. Any time you can beat a highly ranked OSU team, it's seen as respectable. Their history and name alone give them their rep, whether...
I just wanted to mention, for those that say Herbstreit has it out for LSU, that he just listed his top 5 on ESPN and he has LSU at #2. Says that...
Forgive me for asking, but who is "ku"?
drunk bump
It's all fine and dandy to go back to your alma mater, but your alma mater doesn't have that kind of love for you as you do them. They'll put you...
I definitely agree, but at the same time glad for the law (if that makes any sense) It's the reason I wear my seat belt, so I'm grateful for...