He didn't make the Texans -- cut before the season.
Big fan, pondering a bumper sticker for him.
If anybody should feel slighted, it's Cal. They've beaten better teams than USC has and should be ranked higher. Of course it doesn't really...
NLMD thinks that maybe the Mets should have let Rickey play after all.
Absolutely phenomenal. Spectacular. There aren't words sufficient to say how great this is. He's right. I can't believe gun control is even a...
Upon further review, the.student.section.does.not.equal.class.
Anybody else follow the Wisconsin scores during their games? They've struggled mightily with just about every team they've played. They must be...
Almost two years later, and I still debate the same topic each week.
David Carr would like to reclaim his crown, thank you.
It's early, but Chevis Jackson will get first round consideration, not just first day. His coverage skills and speed are terrific. Zenon will...
Yea, easy to say that now, Monday Morning QB. You thought just like everyone else (other than NLMD) that these guys were future stars: Jay...
At this point, Brady Quinn is clearly the early leader, as Charlie Frye couldn't light THIS kinda fire under Derek Anderson's arse. :hihi: The...
Sorry 99, no luck here. Of course, I can probably hook you up with a Lookout Mountain thimble from a Stuckeys maybe.
Mods, is it possible to relax the requirement that some users read all threads? :hihi: No surprise since it's from Deceks, this is the best...
Re: I have to admit it ... Holy cow CTK, you've done. I think my head exploded trying to do that math, but I think you're right. :thumb:...
Yet again, NLMD's QB assessment is better than management for NLMD's original favorite team. Makes NLMD sick.
that's my point though. It's willfully ignoring the multiple times that Flynn has thrown into double coverage or directly at defenders. It's not...
I thought he was a running back? Why don't we ever see him playing as a fullback if he's so awesome? Oh, he's a consistent senior...my bad. No...
Re: I have to admit it ... If by us you mean people without resources to buy jerseys, then yes, you're exactly right.
You'll find fewer than 10 people advocating replacing him (unlike last year, when the idiots and/or racists here were convinced that Flynn was the...