Let me modify my original post.... You are ****ing insane.
Everyone knows why Clinton lied. They may or may not forgive it, but they can understand it. A prosecutor could pass judgement as to whether or...
The CIA filed the complaint. Bush political appointee James Comey named Bush political appointee and career prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to...
The French didn't win the Algerian War; they lost it. Yes, they "won" the Battle of Algiers "militarily," but the war was lost primarily because...
Army Officer Accuses Generals of 'Intellectual and Moral Failures' By Thomas E. Ricks Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, April 27,...
THC Effects [media]
Not really. The key is context. These guys were removed for bizarre personal behavior; not because they refused to indict innocent democrats or...
When you exclude firings due to a change in administration, Clinton had two US Attorneys resign under pressure -- one because he grabbed a TV...
I'm sure it had to do with the economics at the time--they simply thought that they had more to gain by being independent. At the time if you were...
Seven years to decide if he is a keeper? Ain't that a little ridiculous before finally deciding?
You don't know what it means to be a member of the SEC, do you?
Unless we grant him a waiver, it's 2 years to another SEC school.
Simply because anti-trust laws keep a monopoly from imposing itself. What I don't get is all this silly harping about ND. They really aren't...
I don't remember the exact payout, but yes ND agreed to a lower payout for an appearance with a guaranteed annual payout. Given the current...
The reason is two-fold: It helps smooth out the payments to the conferences which allows better financial planning. No conference gets a...
That published report is per team. I don't know if the Bowl site means total or per team, but I would guess total.
You didn't ask, but most don't know this. The 2nd team from a conference in a BCS bowl does not earn the conference the published payout; it's...
My rational on his ratings is that he must give a lot of weight to style, or how good you are against the spread. While I have no idea how good...
The 25 comes from how the BCS score for the computers is calculated. It is not important. A simpler way to look at it is a switch of one...
Are you saying that one computer poll is equal to 35 voters? This seems a little high to me. A flip of one computer poll (assuming it isn't one...