I can only assume cup checks are banned as well.
I've always looked on NFL Europe with a bit of disdain. I never really cared about the teams or what was going on. Yet, for the 3rd time in as...
I saw this go across the ticker on the NFL Network today, and thought the same thing. He looked like he could be the next Mawae-level center...
Red beans and rice, with sausage, and cornbread, and small salad tonight. Making a pretty big batch so there should be leftovers for a few days....
:rofl: You're exactly right. I had the same suspicion a while back, couldn't figure it out, and forgot about it. You be the judge: [IMG]...
Now THAT'S what I call the hook-up! You're a lucky man BigRatItch.
Do you have a job, or is someone paying you to torment us? Double Dave's pizza rolls or something tonight...two 'fer Tuesdays apparently.
Why on Earth would you read that paper in the first place? There's GOT to be a more entertaining Coon Ass 'Tard Times out there.
Screw you :hihi: You too. :hihi: I had leftovers from the Sopranos dinner, though the after dinner vanilla vodka and diet coke isn't too bad.
I think I need time to ponder that episode. My initial reaction is that I'm not happy with it, but probably only because I wanted to see more...
Soprano's Special tonight: Linguine with a heavily infused Vodka sauce (onions, garlic, bunch of seasoning), sauteeing down on some jalapeno...
I learned to cook by watching my Mom, occassionally my Dad, a good bit of cooking shows over the years and a WHOLE lot of trial and error when I...
Bull cocky. My man Ivan Lendl was in discussions for greatest ever, until the Communists and Becker/Edberg/Borg-lovers started yapping all this...
Yea, it's not a question of who's greater in their sport over their careers. It's who's more dominant. And if you can't dominate 25% of your...
You need to learn how to cook. :hihi: Amount of ingredients depends on how much you're making. I cooked 1.5 pounds of meat, one onion, and one...
1 -- The only play in LSU history that brought a tear to my eye (I'm about the least-sappiest person on the planet) -- Lionel Turner sacking Jason...
I can't read this thread, as the scenarios all give me a headache (and I don't need to get worked up about guesses on scenarios...like terrorists...
Same here. He's essentially me, but with golf skills, a gambling problem, and a penchant for crazy broads. I gotta respect that.
Thanks for the update. That was a nice family, as I recall. I'm glad the son is carrying on the tradition. We went to church with them, and...
I used white cornbread mix, since I can't stand Jiffy. I don't like sweet stuff generally, and definitely not cornbread. Only personal...