This game is off to an incredible start. As long as Stephen Jackson isn't teamed up with another lunatic, the guy can ball. Dallas looks...
No doubt about it. I think Williams was the guy they wanted all along, which makes is doubly worse, because they only had to pay him the lower...
That's right! And I think that was the draft they took Kevin Williams, which ticks me off because it actually worked out for them.
Minnesota Vikings...don't recall the GM
Oh he's by far the most inept guy in the league now that Casserly is gone. However, that trade from Denver sounds better than it is. That's a...
Or maybe the Second Largest State Cuban's House of Cards. I'd hate to steal the Warriors' idea. :hihi:
The Angels thing is just confusing. It's like there's TOO much detail in their name. Carolina is the only one that's even comparable to the...
I like this idea: Lone Star State Cuban's House of Cards.
NBA: Utah: Not even close. It's like they're watching an entirely different game than what is happening on the court. They're a fan...
:rofl: :thumb: Certainly I'm not the only one that things it's absolutely preposterous to call the homebase of a team is the nickname of the...
Something tells me istlsl will hail this as yet another monumental signing, showing that Payton definitely knows what he's doing. :hihi:
:rofl: Holy hell that's awesome. A guy called into Rome's show and was dogging that broad too. He said it's a good thing Quinn's going to...
I would love to argue with you, since that sounds so preposterous, but I can't come up with much. Some of you probably remember Chris Jackson...
I don't necessarily disagree, but I haven't watched film like all of these guys have. Adam Schefter is reporting that the Texans were going to...
If Beck doesn't solve their QB problem, Quinn certainly would not. I simply do not understand this assumption that Quinn's is such a sure thing....
Oh man, did you see the Vince Carter play at the end of the last Nets/Raptors game?? He took four complete steps, before dishing it to whitey who...
And for you Heat fans, if there are any left, he takes a shot at Wade at the end. :hihi: Our...
First, it is by far the worst officiated, and I think that is because they don't always make the rules really clear. There's invariably going to...
There are always conspiracy theories about virtually everything. However, if you've been watching the NBA this season and past seasons, you know...