In one ear and out the other is more like it. Hear Jimbo is looking to leave in a big way because Miles does NOT listen. LSU may lose both Jimbo...
Would have to agree....we had a blast! Vols that we talked to just didn't know what to say...they thought for sure they were Rose bound.
Not sure if your reply was directed in my direction but, I do not and never have advocated "abandoning" the run. To the contrary, the wisdom of a...
Sec 302, row 12, will be there.
The question about who may be responsible (Jimbo or Les) for the offensive play calling appears to have been answered. In the following article...
Don't know how this was posted....must have hit a wrong key. Anyway, see other post titled QUESTION APPEARS TO BE ANSWERED for the actual...
Certainly exposes the SEC's justification as being extraordinarily intellectually dishonest.
Freaking mugged him....awesome pics! Hard to dispute what these pics reveal....what a blown call. Perhaps these should be sent to the...
Yea...and if your grandmother had a d*ck she would be your grandfather. Seriously, that is perhaps one of the more baseless assertions that I...
I always believed they were overrated anyway. More surprised that Louisville moved up as much as it did for only beating Miami. Pleased as...
In a game between two awesome and evenly matched teams like LSU and AU officiating takes on a crucial role. It is utter nonsense to suggest...
Can't help but mention the is all part of the overall analysis. The calling in this game was beyond the norm and was extraordinarily...
That was a horrible game of officiating...... Started with the completion with fumble out of bounds that on review was ruled...
That is funny! Maybe the NCAA will penalize them and make them give up the 03 title they never had.....from three two one...
Damn goose bumps all over again.
And maybe even a few The defense was awesome tonight...very 03ish if not even a little quicker. Seemed like a bee hive...
I am a lawyer and this is idiotic! I find it hard to believe that a law student came up with this but then again, this is the school that is...
Will be there, center court, five rows up!!!!!!!
It's a combination of things. Free throws need much improvement. Too many turn overs. And not smart play calling.....down by only one it was...
What is important is that you LOST. But, since you count championships you didn't even play must define the rules of the comparison...