Dwayne Bowe 203 Craig Davis 163 Damn, only 366 points.
Let's see in his career Russell has been sacked 42 times, thrown 20 interceptions in 684 attempts and has 31 total rushing yards in 116 attempts...
I hope you realize Red said that as a joke.
What, surely Miles is the worst coach we've ever had. My goodness I mean come on he's 1-2 on the road this year against SEC schools, he's...
I found this article pretty interesting. New York Times That last section was written very vaguely and can be talking about either the 1990s...
Craig Davis 337 Dwayne Bowe 287 K. Williams 102 Total: 726
Basketball: Jordan Football: Craig "Ironhead" Heyward Baseball: Kirby Puckett Tennis: Andre Agassi (Sampras sucks)
Everyone that went to the game are much bigger and better fans than those of us that didn't attend. Congratulations.
Thanks for insulting my beliefs Martin. I actually talk to the fairies all the time.
Jamarcus Russell 388 Craig Davis 149 total: 537 that is pathetic.
I got the same thing a week or so ago.
I disagree with you that all of the books in the Bible aren't literal but I don't think it is really a salvation issue if you don't believe it....
Craig Davis 172 Jamarcus Russell 141 Total: 313
Don't you know that Rocky single handedly ended the cold war? That makes him a wise man in my book.
Screw Clemens. He should just "retire" again and then immediately announce his unretirement and go play for the Mets or something.
I like Kornheiser they just need to get rid of Theisman. They should just get Wilbon to replace Theisman and make it an extension of PTI, now that...
Easily the best idea so far. :thumb:
That is true and while I still hate Tubs he is slowly creeping up on me when he does stuff like that. It also helps me hate him less that he is...