Seems he is a baseball player (A DH) from Oregon. Also seems to be a quitter!
I just think that we have gotten away from respecting positions of authority in the US. That's why coaches and referees get beat up at games. It's...
This one take the cake. I was teaching school in Lafayette last night and pulled up to the gas pump at about 10:00pm, guy walks up to me and wants...
I will preface this remark by letting you know that I am an economics instructor (mostly MBA classes). Really, Parso has a great working and...
Your really not increasing inflation because that can only be measured by the Consumer Price Index which is a hypothetical basket of the same...
I kind of like the gig that I have. It's less flashy and doesn't pay seven figures but I wouldn't trade it. And had this been his daughter (of...
I don't care if you love or hate the President of the US, but you must respect the office! I would have met with Clinton even though I considered...
TIME OUT!! That's not funny. (Somebody had to eventually mention that)
Stacey, Might I suggest getting at least a 50" Plasma TV. We cut down on our child count this way!! :hihi:
Come on Stacey, we all know you were oogling the strapping young man. First step to recovery is admitting it!
Pimp my Ride jewish style!! [IMG]
What game would you like us to analyze?? Want us to wait until the season starts or go ahead and try to get an analysis cranked out for you now?
I thought we would be behind Auburn also. Are we the only people in the country that think we can win the deal? Step up Vermont. You have to have...
I made an equal mistake. I got married November 21, 1998. NOTRE DAME VS. LSU. Nobody even remembered the wedding. But they do remember LSU lost 39...
I say, he had 18 cool pops when he wrote this. But if anyone feels that he drank the entire case, feel free to rebut!
No? Did they actually say that? If he did, Jacques wins quote of the year!
I had to look at the login name twice before I realized I really didn't write this. What happened to paying your dues before whining about the...
What a waste of a great potential LSU football memory. Come on Stacey, take one for the team!!:D
Nothing beats a good Hawthorne "TIGERS WIN, TIGERS WIN!!"
Butter Pecan is the ugly stepchild of Blue Bell Ice Cream!