Here is another story on LSU's Ryan Perrilloux
thats awesome....Geaux Coach Saban
Pre-season Pro football isnt too bad.....i dont watch much of it but when i hear about it . It gets me in the mood for some goooood ole LSU...
It even got worse for arkansas last night their play by play man was killed in a car wreck.......That has to suck no matter what team it is....
Here is a small article i found on it ..... ESPN has a video on it also with...
Chalk it down ......i am in
same here
thought you might like that one Okie!! haha
My wife and i got married in Eureka Springs Arkansas (they charged us double cause we werent related haha j/k) Nov 9 02.....The same day of the...
I have been watching game highlights from last year and some previous years on the GEAUX ZONE. Man i love that sight
Kinda looks like shreveport in a way....but not for sure.......dont really think it is though
Yeah He looks in great shape....He looks like he means business this hoop season
Was quite a bit when i first moved here in 02
LSU has taken a slight edge now in tx over florida
ESPN has a fan poll to see who is gonna be SEC champions right now LSU is second .
welcome to the board
Lot of LSU material so it has to be
Hey great Video......Geaux tigers!!!! here is another ..... welcome back 22
David LaFleaur