You can always count on martin to squash any urban legends out there. Oh, and just so everybody knows, I decided to order a pizza for lunch. It...
A ha! Reading is fundamental.
I gave up Taco Bell for lent. Only 10 more days!!!
I know he said he wasn't going to use one school's offer to get a better one from LSU, but I can't help but wonder about his intentions when he...
Hey guys, I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch today. Any suggestions?
I would make all areas of the stadium accessible from anywhere. I hate that you can only get to certain sections through certain gates.
Smoke is the Mike Davis of LSU baseball.
I made a steak and some rice-a-roni for dinner tonight. But I'll probably have roast beef for lunch tomorrow at Subway.
Well I was referring to Auburn, of course. But before that, yes, even I threw up in my mouth a little.
I'm rooting for UCLA, while silently hoping that Florida wins. Does that make sense? I think it does. I just cannot in good conscience cheer...
I think that right there is exactly why he should stay in school.
Go for it. And the result would be the same. You'd get your ass kicked. Again.
I think they stay.
How about danthereadheadedstepchild? :hihi:
Really? Well, since you now know, do me a favor and don't tell my parents that I was drunk the night I came home after curfew when I was 16.
I would like to say that I like you, but I don't think I can.
Poop. That's about all I have to say. Honestly, I'm really not that mad. I'd rather get beaten like that than have it go down to the wire and...