That is something the Iranian Foreign Minister said, the Iranians are insane....
I have nothing to hide from the government either but I don't want them listening into my phone calls. It's a matter of privacy and security in...
Well if communism has nothing to do with peoples rights then there never should've been a lack of personal rights in China, N. Korea, the Sovet...
To say that giving the government unchecked powers to spy on people is ok then you should go live in a communist country. I'm all for the...
Rex I have to agree with you on this one. Not that Bush should be impeached but that it is a horrible thing and really shakes my faith in Bush....
According to this 700 insurgents have been killed in Iraq since September. While over 170 US soldiers have been killed in that same time frame....
It's only a matter of time before Israel goes in and bombs the Iranians nuclear facilities....
Wag the Dog and Bullworth are 2 of my favorite movies. But to stay on topic, I still don't know how this woman got elected Gov. It's amazing...
my favorite one is "Chuck Norris lives by only one rule: No Asian Chicks."
Well I am a fundamentalist Southern Baptist and I can tell you that not everyone who claims to be a Christian really is. Jesus even said himself...
No, i found that site earlier and i thought it was pretty funny. I think the guy who did it is either a complete wack-job or just made it as a joke.
Santa or Satan?
Ok thanks, not being Catholic I would've never known that.
I'm not being judgemental i'm just saying that for most people Christmas doesn't have the same meaning people that aren't Christians as it does...
To stay on topic I have to say that as a "fundie" I have no problem with businesses saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Yes the...
I haven't heard that new years is a holy day to catholics, why is that? Does it have to do with it being about 8 days after christmas which is...
At least they didn't rename the christmas tree to the "giving tree" like LSU did.
How do you know that they have promised everyone they are recruiting that they will start as freshmen?
One way i've heard it explained is to take water for an example. Water comes in three forms, liquid water, ice, and steam. All 3 are water yet all...
Holy Crap!!! We tried to throw the ball downfield earlier and it wasn't working, why would it all of a sudden work now? Douche.