Zorba's was my favorite restaurant in BR. I moved away in 98, and when I returned a couple of years later, it was closed. :bncry: Is it gone,...
I agree. I would be very surprised to see Britain back down from this. The Brits are not like the rest of the Euro-weenies, they are more like...
Anybody remember Bayou Bengal Gold?
WJBO was horrible. The last couple of years before 98.1 got it I was living in E. Feliciana and could not even pick up the games.
Speaking as someone who usually votes Republican, you could fill a book with Quayleisms.
Not MY children. Just try getting them to clean their rooms! :hihi:
The thing is, the "Peak Oil" theorists claim that alternative sources of energy in their current state of development are not nearly enough to...
For the opposing viewpoint...... http://www.vialls.com/wecontrolamerica/peakoil.html An Australian gentleman gives his views on Russian...
I briefly checked it out and read a few articles. A person could seriously get depressed on that site. Honestly, I don't really subscribe to...
The problem isn't quite so simple. Yes, they are mainly talking about light sweet crude that is easy to extract, but what most of the articles...
I've looked at several sites this morning, and while they vary slightly with their predicitons, they share a common theme: the world consumes...
Wow. I read the entire article and this is quite a scenario. Of course I have no idea if anything this guy says is true, but I did a quick...
This is pretty much what is happening over here in Arlington right now. Big Jerry is bringing the Cowboys into town and the city can't roll over...
I first heard about this case a few months ago. This is really getting out of hand. If a developer can convince your city council that your...
From what I have seen, it is mostly a question of motivation or desire to learn English. Many of the Mexican immigrants I have met (legal or...
Newsflash: Conspiricy theories abound! FDR knew about Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but allowed it to happen. There is nothing new under...
Penthouse Pauper CCR
Technological advances are fine, but they don't have any bearing on a democratic society. Nazi Germany was technologically advanced, but...
All the political discussions here have got me thinking...Is democracy self-sustaining? The US was created by people who left their native...
Be sure to vote for me in the next election, then!! :hihi: