Trindon is certainly not that big, but man can he fly. I call him.... [img]
Just got home, Rice is all over them. Tulane scored again, but Rice is up 9-4, Bottom 7
This is way overdue. Since there will not be a new building put up anytime soon, hope it has a great make-over. Are there any drawings or...
Let's go with... Rice @ Tulane Tennessee @ Ga. Tech Miami @ Nebraska Clemson @ Baylor Texas @ Ole Miss Arizona St @ Cal St Fullerton Fla St @...
Bad for the Tigers :angryfire, but good for the Braves :thumb:.
Forgot to come back and check the winners. 13/16 here, not bad. [img] How did everyone else do? Need to make a new thread with the Super Regionals.
Thanks for the picks...... Looks like I better have my gear ready for the first home game.:hihi: [img][img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Clem [img] Clem's Son [img]
Looking far. [img]
[img] Same here. I think someone made that up with some nice video cuts. Yea right. No way that could really happen.:hihi:
Same here, another vote for Omaha. I think the crowds would get swallowed up in most of the MLB stadiums and lose that college feel. I'm sure MLB...
New Orleans 1. * Tulane (#1) 2. Alabama 3. UL-Lafayette 4. Southern U. Baton Rouge 1.*:tigbas: 2. Rice 3. Northwestern St 4. Marist Long...
Les could give the intro of the video with his... Let'er Rip Mike!
To our men and women in uniform past, present and future..... We salute you and eternally thank you! [img]
Bulldogs on top 3-0, bottom of 4th.
I love the option, mainly in high school though. Very few schools are married to the option. Most colleges that run the option do so here and...
1. Same thing with a phone. Some people make a phone out of their hand when they ask to use a phone. 6. I always say "You just did."
Agree. If this is the lineup, only two underclassmen. That's not too young. The depth problem is an issue. Playing experience is another. Lazare...
Don't you have to join first before you're a member of the family? :hihi:
Hope Ricky can recover from this...if all this is true. Worked with him for a couple of years with his basketball camps. Anyone know where/what...