The team out west is FSU.
I'm taking a break...someone take over for a little while.
Grounder to Hebert, he makes the play to 2B. Inning over, going to bottom of the 4th trailing 6-0. Bats need to WAKE UP.
Grounder to LF scores the run. 6-0, runners at 2nd and 1st, 2 outs.
Fly out to Stavinoha, runner advances to 3rd. 2 down.
Ramirez still warming up.
Liner to CF. Runners at 1st and 2nd with 1 out.
Grounder off the glove of Faircloth causes the ball to get into the outfield. Single.
Ground out to Jackson at 3B. 1 down.
Anybody wanna take over for me for a little while?
Hard hit line drive goes right to the LF. Inning over.
A fastball on the outside part of the plate Ks Patterson.
A wild pitch advances both runners. Count stands at 1-2 to Patterson
Sprowl gets a single through the right side. Runners on 1st and 2nd, 1 down. C'mon Tigers get something going.
Liuzza watches strike 3 go by him. 1 down, runner on 1st.
Derek Hebert legs out an infield single to start off the inning.
I woke up early as well, now I'm starting to fall asleep. This is not good.
Line drive to LF, one run scores, Ryan Patterson nails the 2nd runner at the plate. Tigers head to the bottom of the 3rd trailing 5-0.
Faircloth gets a grounder and makes a nice play to throw home to get the force out. 2 down, bases loaded.
Edgar Ramirez is warming up in the LSU bullpen.