Jean Lafitte was a privateer and a smuggler, not a pirate. He never raided USA commerce or USA flagged vessels . . . only Spanish, English and...
LOL. Just give it the "ole college try!"
This is an internet message board. It is not real life . . . it is virtual reality. I'm sure that we could all to do some soul-searching and...
I don't care about the rankings, but if the Lady Tigers aren't a #1 seed, then I'd say we wuz robbed.
I am no baseball genius, but I'm pretty sure that in baseball, you can't tell much about how the season will go judging by one or two games early...
Who the hell you think I'm talking to?
What the hell you mean "gay"? You must be talkin bout your Paw, boy.
I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this at all. We all owe Nick a great debt of gratitude, and he'll always be a LSU Tiger. I'm really...
Tulane is better than LSU at baseball? Are we talking talent, coaching, or both?
This is a great game for LSU. Win or lose, I think that our team will get a shot of adreniline from this game.
Isn't it kind of RIDICULOUS for somebody born and raised in Louisiana to be a Miami Dolphins fan? Tell me when you buy a Dolphins warm-up...
I agree. I would immediately inspect the Golden Girls. After that, I would hold a meeting with my subordinate coaches and announce that I have...
I think that most of us would like to whip YOU and treat YOU like an animal.
I love Pokey and the Lady Tigers.
The reason why African-Americans are offended by that flag is because during the 1950s and early 1960s, our own fellow white Southern citizens...
That flag is not even the actual National Flag of the Confederate States of America.
SF is right. Why can't we give that pitcher credit? He pitched one HELL of a game. Cheers for the boys from Centenary. They will never forget...
Check out Seimone's website!
Very funny and well written. Thanks for the laugh. Rep points for you, buddy.
I don't know that the football team would be able to beat the crap out of UT and OU every year, but we could certainly make sure to beat the crap...